Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I like to singa...

about the moon-a and the june-a and the spring-a.

I'm quite surprised how many English folk have seen that little Disney cartoon with the jazz-singin' owl and his operatic parents. I love that little owl.

Sooo...for all of you who read this and might not read Brian's blog - go to it now and check out Dominic's Halloween costume. It's pure glory.

Ok, so, where do I start? I need to write on this more often so I can ramble about my every day issues and complaints and happenings and things, rather than try to cram the previous 2 months into one blog. I say that, but I can almost guarantee I won't write more often. I'm terribly sorry, I have no excuse that will satisfy you blog-hungry beasts.

I'll start with today. Today I woke up, took a shower, got ready, got Elijah up and ready, took him to school, went to the office, worked on some stuff, picked Elijah up, came home, cooked dinner, ate it, did Elijah's homework with him, and put him to bed. Now I'm sitting here, Paul is grumpy for some reason or another, watching mind-numbing TV, and there ya go. A typical day in the life of us. Our cat is growing her winter coat and looks quite hearty, verging on chubby. So, in the summer, her name is Iaia (said "Yah-yah"), and in the winter, her name is Jaba. So, for those of you with no real seasons (such as Florida), you can call her by her full name of Jabaiaia. Actually, I may call her that all the time too.

So, as you've all asked, I'll tell you alllllll about my business stuff, cause I know it excites you as much as it excites me!! I only wish. I think I know how Brian feels now when he gets really excited about some geneology thing, but no one's as interested. Yeah, that's how I feel about business, but eh, I'll just be all excited on my own and bore you all to death with business jibba jabba! Speaking of jibba jabba, we got a GPS for the car, and it has a Mr. T voice, and it's awesome. Check it out (watch the whole thing)...

So, yeah. I started something new, again. Well, not really new, but sort of new. Uh, yeah. I've stopped the stationery business (taken over by my lovely friends the Bates'), and have merged with another local business guy who I was sharing my office with. I don't want search engines picking up this personal blog of mine, so I'm gonna just gonna give you the link to my new site here. Matt owned a company that does advertising bikes, and with what I already do, we've created a super marketing & design powerhouse! We're very busy indeed, lots of new clients coming in, lots of new plans in the works. Let me know what you think of the new site, and I'll let you know when we pull in our first million pound contract!

Ok, so by this point in my blog writing, I seem to run out of interesting things to say. I've posted some new pics for you to see...so that should satisfy you a bit. I'll write some bullet points below of things I think you'd find interesting, useful, or amusing:

  • We got a parking ticket the other day
  • My pastor and his wife are kind of like dark-haired barbie & ken dolls
  • I have found a new favourite thingy to eat, called "Fruit Flakes" - little processed fruit bits in yogurt, kinda like yogurt covered raisins, but raspberry and strawberry instead
  • I feel a draft - it's really cold in my house and Paul won't let me turn on the heat
  • We took out the fireplace in the weird middle room in our house
  • Our washing machine died and we got a new bigger fancier one. Now we just need a new bigger fancier dryer.
  • I got a new unnecessarily large iMac
  • Becca & Ward are coming to visit in the Spring
  • Mummy Martin has Colitis - pray she feels all better and can manage it soon
  • Elijah can read the book "Go, Dog, Go" all by himself
  • 45% of Americans don't know the sun is a star
  • Paul has beaten me at Hand & Foot about 21 times in 3 week.
Speaking of Paul, I'm gonna go give him a wet willy and see if that takes him out of his grump. Good bye!

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